Thursday, May 5, 2011

You called roadside now what!

It is possible that you will never lock your keys in your car or run out of gas, you may never even need a jump start. However the chances of that in this day and age are very slim. Things happen, even new cars can break down and when it does you will more than likely use your roadside assistance plan. The first time you break down can be a scary thing especially if you are on the side of the road so I have put together a few tips that will make entire process go as smoothly as possible.

Starting with the phone call -
  1. give location information- if your in a shopping center give them the name.
  2. if your by the side of the interstate look for mile markers or other road signs near you.
  3. if your tire has fallen off let them know. The more detail a drive has the better equipped he will be

After the call -
  1. Don't screen you phone calls if it rings answer it, this could be the driver trying to locate you.
  2. If your in a big parking lot put your hood up or stand out near your car so the driver can see you
  3. Stay with your car, don't wander off, we may arrive early and you need to be there with the keys
  4. An ETA is just that. We know you don't want to wait, but traffic is what it is and if the drive is not there in 60 min on the dot don't freak out
  5.  Do un to others- This should be a given we know your upset about your car troubles, but try to be courteous to the driver he is there to help you.

* Bonus Info
 Most repair facilities close between 6 and 7 in the evening and a large portion of them have gates making it near impossible to drop your car off after hours. If you realize at 4:45pm that your car won't start and it's siting in your driveway, the best thing to do is wait until the morning to call. Your car is safer in your driveway than sitting outside a locked gate at a dealership.

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